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Farm Consultation

Cathal has a background in teaching as well as years of experience working within the food industry and project management. With an understanding of finance and effective project management, Cathal has the tools to help guide you in starting up a successful business. Having spent the last 5 years researching and collecting data on Regenerative Agriculture from around the world, Cathal has a wealth of knowledge and experience in this area which has put Heather Hill Farm where it is today. Heather Hill farm is one of the most progressive small scale diverse regenerative farms in Ireland. Enterprises include pastured layers, pastured broilers, pastured turkeys, grass fed lamb, free range pork and honey production. The ethos of Heather Hill farm is to  be ecologically, socially and economically beneficially and is without a doubt the farming practices of the future. The demand is out there and it is a growing area within the food industry; putting clients back in touch with reliable food sources. Having started up several successful small businesses and with a background in finance and teaching Cathal has a step by step and hands on approach to help you set up an economically stable time efficient farm.

Rates for consultations

60min Zoom Call - €100

Covers a general discussion about your farm and what enterprises may fit your context etc.


3x 60min Zoom Call - €250

Detailed discussion around specific enterprises, financial planning, time management and marketing.

Heather Hill farm tours

1 hour Guided Tour on Enterprises €125

4 hour Guided Tour + Discussion and Planning for your own set up. €325

For Cathal to visit your farm please contact for quotation

All prices include Vat @23%

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